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softfactors launches the Diversity & Inclusion recruiter

By 10. October 2017May 20th, 2018Blog, Diversity & Inclusion, softfactors AG

Promoting diversity & inclusion in the workplace will elevate your business to the next level. Reduce bias in your recruitment process, hire the candidate with the best matching competencies.

Download softfactors’ white paper on D&I Recruitment

The softfactors Recruiting Suite latest addition is a diversity & inclusion recruiter utilising our core screening engine purely focusing on the competencies of the candidates. No CV, no gender, no name, no age, no religion, no race – just the competencies and match to the job. True diversity & inclusion (D&I).

What are the benefits of D&I?

Research by Forbes, Howard Business School and The Economist suggest that companies following a true D&I strategy have a vast number of direct business benefits e.g.

  • Business growth
  • Higher earnings & return on equity
  • Increased sales revenue growth
  • Better ability to serve clients

The benefits of D&I are clear – but to truly execute a D&I strategy, your HR processes and tools need to be aligned as well. So let us start with the recruiting process and tools.

How is D&I talent attraction different?

To increase workplace diversity, recruiters and talent acquisition professionals need to attract a diverse candidate pool. Still, the hiring process bursts with bias, as human beings interact with other human beings. When we discuss bias, we typically think of the “obvious” sources of bias like gender, race and age, but many other unconscious biases influence the way we evaluate a candidate:

  • School bias
  • Beauty bias
  • Affinity bias
  • Conformity bias

The goal of diversity hiring is to identify and remove conscious and unconscious biases that could lead to hiring candidates based upon criteria other than the best matching competencies. This can partly be achieved using an unbiased recruiting solution, but also needs awareness amongst recruiters and hiring managers. The issue is that most organisations will want to interact with the candidates and have face-to-face interviews as part of the recruiting process. Here at least unconscious bias often plays a role, especially if awareness and processes have not been introduced to overcome the bias.

It is important to understand that D&I has implications across the entire recruiting process. The candidate communication, wording, pictures and design often send biased messages, potentially resulting in attraction of certain “types” of candidates. Examples of candidate communication which needs to be considered:

  • Employer branding messaging
  • Career portal design
  • Job description
  • Job postings
  • Job requirements

How does softfactors support your D&I recruiting process?

softfactors’ team of recruiters and behavioural psychologist can help your organisation optimise your candidate communication for D&I, enabling sourcing of a more diverse candidate pool. Our new softfactors diversity recruiter module neutralises the candidate information to present the recruiter with only the information necessary to assess the candidates competencies and the match to the actual job requirements. softfactors offers multiple levels of D&I process depths with several D&I recruiting tools:

  • D&I candidate screening
  • D&I reports
  • D&I assessment solution
  • D&I candidate compare feature

But don’t take our word for it – get in touch with us today and try out softfactors’ D&I recruiting solutions.